Wednesday, May 12, 2010

After Months In The Merlion Nation....Welcome Back John Eric Sy!!!!

- May 12, 2010, Wednesday

- Even during Eric's around-4-month stay in Singapore as an exchange student, I've been telling him, and a few good friends that we should go out once Eric returns. Well, Eric returned just the other day, and gladly, we were able to schedule our mini-welcome-back-Eric thing as early as possible.

- I met Eric this morning at the Gil Puyat LRT station and rode the shuttle together to MOA. We found Kim Carmela in Fully Booked, and walked towards Joey Pepperoni, which was just somewhere across Fully Booked. Chabert, another companion, notified me that Erlyn would be accompanying us too, if we wanted. Well, Erlyn was already in MOA with Chabert, and I haven't seen Erlyn in a while too. Well, as they say, the more the merrier. :) :) :) :)

- We ate lunch at Joey Pepperoni, courtesy of me, since I promised Eric that I would treat him once he arrives. Since I was feeling generous (doesn't happen too often though, since I don't really have much cash on hand normally,) I treated everyone.

- We planned to eat dessert at Icebergs, but it was full. While looking for some stuff to do during the afternoon, I just dragged my companions to Razon's for another dose of their halo-halo. Seriously, I like their halo-halo because it doesn't have ube, nuts, and beans. Haha.

- We decided to go to the arcade to play around a bit, and sing songs in the karaoke booth. This time, I was glad that I wasn't the only one hogging the mic and losing my voice graciously like the last time we went there. That was around October last year, I think. This time, Carmela and Erlyn also sang, and Chabert sang his "trademark" song: My Heart Will Go On.

- After our visit to Timezone, we ate at Subway, since there was a buy-1-take-1 promo that lasted from the election day until today. To avail the free sandwich, all we had to do was show our indelible-ink-marked finger. Hurray for being a good citizen. Haha.

- I figured that Eric hadn't been in Manila for so long, so I invited the group to take a walk at the Manila Bay area and wait for the ever-so-famous Manila Bay sunset. While waiting, some of them ate some more (yes, I didn't eat more because I was full...a rare event.) They bought corn, fries, ice cream, etc. I on the other hand was busy taking pictures of the about-to-set sun. Haha.

- We went home shortly after the almost-fail sunset (clouds in the way.) Eric, Erlyn and I rode the shuttle to the station, since the other two were a bit off the way. Eric and Erlyn were half-asleep in the shuttle, which obviously showed how tired they were. The only thing that mattered to me was that Eric was pampered even just today, and that everyone else had fun as well :D:D:D:D