Saturday, December 3, 2011

And So I Start My Theater Dharma - And Indian Tea To Soothe My Throat

- December 3, 2011, Saturday.

- As most Saturdays, I started my day with my piano lesson (no more getting stuck in the elevator) and finished at 9am. I soon went to the highlight of most Saturdays - getting ready for a busy theatrical Saturday.

- I caught everyone finalizing the cast and crew for the play, and waiting until 10am to formally start the session. The singers were handled by Nica, the hosts/interviewers were handled (at first) by Cleo, the actors by Clarice, and Cindy, one of the hosts, by me. I had to start working on Cindy as early as now because of a few French lines she needs to know for the play. I gave her a crash course in French.

- I asked Cindy to practice her lines at the side, while I gave much pointers to the actors, and re-auditioned some performers just to make sure that they were really fit for the role. Some of them needed a bit more work - although qualified - but some really went beyond my expectations.

- We ended our morning session at 12, and some of us stayed behind and had lunch in the viewing room. We rested a bit after lunch, and worked on the major revisions we'd be doing for the script. We had more time to "play around" since there were only a few of us there, but I'm proud to say that we managed to be productive until meeting was "adjourned" at 3pm.

- My next agenda was to meet my friend Melissa to buy some Chinese tea for her Indian friend, for Melissa to teach me how to make "proper" Indian tea, as taught to her by her Indian friend.

- I met Melissa at her house at around 4:30pm, and went around Chinatown to look for some Chinese tea. Unable to decide which Chinese tea we'd buy for her, we found a "Chinese tea sampler set" in Eng Bee Tin; each of the six small, well-adorned, and properly-labeled cans contained a small amount of powdered tea.

- Instead of going back to Melissa's house, we decided to have a little "snack" at Cafe Mezzanine. No one seemed to be around but us, so Melissa could laugh all she wanted, which made her curly hair curlier.

- We walked back to Melissa's house at 5, and was welcomed by her really playful dog. (I wanted to take her dog home I swear.) We browsed through some stuff while Melissa boiled the water for the Taj-Mahal tea I bought 3 years ago (but didn't know how to properly make Indian tea.)

- Melissa finished making tea in less than 5 minutes I guess, and browsed through some more stuff through the computer while I was soothing my dry throat (from all the talking the whole day.) Indian tea is really the best. :D:D:D:D

- I went home around 6:20, a bit tired as always, but very fulfilled. Now, I'm beginning to think that somehow, theater is one of the places I can call my home.

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