Sunday, February 26, 2012

President Quesang's Birthday: Reunion Meeting

- February 26, 2012, Sunday.

- Wilbur once again gathered us organizers to have another Sunday meeting for the reunion. He wanted us to meet at Yellow Cab at three in the afternoon to discuss more matters.

- I met Cristina earlier today and hung out at Starbucks for a short time until it was time for us to go to Yellow Cab. People started to arrive, and there were nine of us who attended the meeting. I was glad to hear that some problems were lessened, and the more-fun-but-going-to-be-tiring agendas regarding the reunion were discussed.

- Wilbur treated us, as promised, since it will be his birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday!!

- We ended our productive meeting at 5:30, and Melissa, Tina, and I went to the Korean grocery to buy ice cream, buy bread at Formosa, and sat and chatted at the creek-side chairs at Mandarin Square. I told Melissa that Tina and I needed to go after sunset, but Melissa wouldn't let us go. Haha. Cute. We'd be seeing each other in the near future anyway, so no worries. :D:D:D:D

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