Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Birthday Boy's Treat: Ryan Uy's Solo Piano Recital

- February 16, 2014, Sunday.

- My college friend Ryan invited me to attend his solo piano recital, held today at the St. Cecilia's Hall of St. Scholastica's College. I'm glad my LBM went away, so I was able to attend his solo recital. Today also happens to be his birthday, making his recital all the more special.

- I went to St. Scholastica's College with my neighbor Charmaine. The LRT had a "code red" situation during one of our stops, so we decided to get off and ride a jeepney instead. Although we were late, we fortunately did not miss out on a lot. Perhaps just a few measures of the first movement of his first piece.

- Ryan's last piece, Grieg's popular Piano Concerto in A, had the Manila Symphony Orchestra to accompany him.

- After the recital, we all had one J.Co donut each, and since Charmaine and I hung around more with Ryan and other friends, and there were a lot of leftover donuts, we were able to take home a box of six donuts each. (Thank you Ryan!!)

Yay thank you Ryan!! :D:D:D:D
- Thank goodness my commute home with Charmaine didn't have any more LRT complications - and again, thank goodness for more J.Co. Heehee.

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