Saturday, July 25, 2009

HARLECINQ DAY: Version 2009

- July 25, 2009, Saturday, around 4pm

- I was invited by some of my Harlequin friends a few days before for an afternoon "gathering" at Eat Fresh. (Harlequin - name of another section where I have a lot of friends. Haha.)

- Today, Clarisse texted me around 4pm that they were on their way to Eat Fresh. I dressed up quickly and went there. We ate a lot in Eat Fresh and decided to go to CKSC as the people kept coming (and eventually crowding the place).

- We had a lot of fun messing around in CKSC. It was around 5 something already, so most of the people have gone home. We did a lot of talking, and realized many things (as Mr. Sev Sarmenta, my ComRes prof would say, "the deeper meaning of life").

- It was one short short shorrrrrrrrrrt afternoon, yet I felt like we did much, not to mention stuffing ourselves with plenty of food. :D:D:D:D

- Yey :D:D:D:D