Monday, August 30, 2010

Fat Fish and Funny Futures: Lalaine Lim's 20th!!

- August 30, 2010, Monday

- As we all know, today was a holiday, and therefore, no classes, no work (in general,) and surprisingly, no big crowd in the MRT....which is weird since the MRT is infamous for its unbreathable crowdedness - holiday or not.

- Random thing: I accidentally inserted my LRT2 card upon exiting the MRT to Trinoma, and it surprisingly worked. Normally, the ticket machine wouldn't accept an LRT card since the LRT and MRT are not related to each other. Well, the MRT card wouldn't work when I tried it upon going home.

- ANYWAY. I arrived at Trinoma earlier than everyone else. I really find it funny that I still end up being early despite things that would supposedly make one late. Today, I left a few minutes later than scheduled, ate breakfast at McDonald's which took up a good 15 minutes or so, walked to the LRT station, bought Lala's gift somewhere in Gateway, waited an eternity for the MRT, and yet I still arrived 10 minutes earlier than the meeting time. Knowing everyone, and one of the not-so-nice part of the Philippine culture, the meeting time is never followed.

- As everyone started to come one by one, we reserved a table in Fish & Co.. While ordering and eating, we all talked about what things we could do in the future, particularly ambitious travel trips (ambitious why?? Kaching-kaching, no money. :|:|:|:|) Still, it was nice to imagine what things we could do if we would be fortunate enough to go elsewhere after graduation next March.

- While exchanging thoughts and stories, sneaky Joyce asked a waiter to gather his "minions" and sing whatever "Happy Birthday" song they do in Fish & Co. for Lala. When the waiter and his group arrived, they even gave Lala a plate with one hot candle-lit brownie (um, the brownie wasn't hot because of the candle) and a scoop of vanilla ice cream at the side. We were fortunate enough that Lala shared her hot brownie and the ice cream at the side. They were awesome. :) :) :) :)

- We soon left Fish & Co., and roamed around the mall; we couldn't afford to stay longer since we all had things to do at home. Well Mary Grace managed to find a bag for herself. Hahahaha.

- The short afternoon whoozed by shortly, which was a bit saddening since I still wouldn't want to accept the fact that there is school tomorrow. I am currently worrying about a deadly history midterm exam, and a far more deadlier theology quiz (yes, theology is deadlier than history in all ways.) Good luck to us, and hopefully our ambitious plans would be realized soon. HEEHEE.

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