Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When Archi Majors Steal My Camera: Chinatown and Escolta with Genevieve

- September 13, 2011, Tuesday.

- Like always, I wanted to have another chill afternoon, especially since I finished my school work yesterday. Today, I was lucky enough to have asked Genevieve earlier, so at least we'd be able to do more things before she goes to her 6pm class. Well, Genevieve was also the only one available today, and I thought of not asking her since I knew she had a class today. Since Genevieve agreed to have a chill afternoon with me in Chinatown, we hurriedly prepared, and met each other around 2:30 at our houses' midpoint.

- We walked to Chinatown and bought Genevieve's mooncakes. We Chinese celebrated the mooncake festival yesterday, so mooncakes are still quite in season. After buying the mooncakes, Genevieve told me that she was craving for dimsum, so we headed for Golden Fortune, instead of my original Yellow Cab/ Starbucks plan. Since my love for dimsum will never cease, I went with Genevieve's idea. After all, Golden Fortune was near the place where Genevieve bought her mooncakes.

- I felt strange being in Golden Fortune this afternoon. The tables were all decorated with red and pink tablecloths, and it had an unusual "zen" aura too. Tables in Golden Fortune weren't usually decorated, especially during the quiet afternoons. I liked how the restaurant looked though. It looked more inviting. Haha. Genevieve and I had some usual dimsum, when Genevieve suddenly had the crazy idea of going to Escolta to take some pictures for some school work. Since we had the whole afternoon, I agreed.

- We left Golden Fortune around 4pm, and walked all the way to Escolta to take fancy pictures. Genevieve seemed to be too excited to hold my camera, that I had to watch her back every minute, making sure that she won't be run over by a speeding car - or worse, a speeding jeepney.

- Since Genevieve was majoring in architecture, she wanted and needed to take the perfect shots of the structures in Escolta. She had fun tinkering around with my camera, which I let her have the freedom to do so, only to make sure that she restore the settings back to the original after we're done with the walking tour.

- I had loads of fun strolling along Escolta. I also had the chance to finally visit the Escolta museum located inside Calvo building (the one with the Mercury Drugstore.) The building itself was historical, and what I would consider the "biggest exhibit" of the museum.

- The museum was remarkable, despite being "one small room" - entrance fee is 50php by the way. The colorful bottle collections were separated depending on their use (ink bottles, soda bottles, medicine/pharmaceutical bottles, etc.) The wide display of old photos and old receipts also gave visitors more images of what Escolta used to be during its days as the trade and shopping capital of Manila. The building itself, now an office-and-clinic building, also has one of the oldest functioning (the oldest is in another building in Escolta) elevators in Manila. The kind elevator guy invited Genevieve and me to ride the elevator, so we'd experience the "thrill" of riding in an old elevator. It wasn't anything special (it's just like a regular elevator,) but it was still awesome to ride in one of the oldest elevators in town. Haha.

- After visiting the museum, Genevieve and I continued to walk until the St. Cruz border of Escolta. We went in some of the buildings, and Genevieve asked the guards some things about the buildings they are in, such as a bit about the building's history or structure. I was more than surprised and happy to find out that the guards or some of the staff know many things about the buildings' history, and even some trivia about the places they work for. I think it was awesome that the guards and staff members knew the "historical and cultural value" of the places they work in.

- Genevieve and I soon left Escolta, since it was a few minutes past 5, and Genevieve had to catch a jeepney to her school. Although I ended up tiring myself, instead of having the "chill" afternoon I longed for, I was very much satisfied with my cultural afternoon. Since Genevieve was majoring in architecture, she was also able to give me many input and trivia about the buildings in Escolta. I will have my chill afternoon soon, but it's always a "yay" for me when it comes to cultural and historical stuff. :D:D:D:D

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