Wednesday, April 28, 2010

La Despedida de mi Bossing Querido :D:D:D:D

- April 28, 2010, Wednesday

- After my morning Spanish classes, I had lunch once again with the other interns before heading to RP to buy my friend Melissa's gift. Apparently they were shocked to see me order just ONE meal....but had a biggie soda and a large frosty. :| :| :| :|

- I went to RP after, and wandered around endlessly since I couldn't think of anything to give to Melissa. Luckily, I was able to find one in one random store. No names, and no pictures, obviously. :D:D:D:D

- I thought of going to Da Mul Grocery, the Korean grocery across RP, and checked to see if they had the Korean Nooda-crunch thingie with a different SHINee member on the package. Luckily, I was able to find a whole bunch of Taemin nooda-crunch packs, and bought one for myself, for Kaye (another kpop fan) and my dear friend Margarette.

- I returned to Instituto earlier than expected, and bought some ice cream for the potluck surprise despedida party for my boss, Senor Fons.

- I snuck the ice cream in the kitchen freezer, and snuck in the office without my boss noticing me, luckily. Moments later, he went to the pecera and saw me there. Surprise fail. Anyway, I just shouted "SURPRISE" with a matching "tada!!" hand gesture. He asked how I was doing....and that was followed by him giving me a stash of Dia del Libro folders to fold for Manolo P, the head librarian. Oh well. That was his surprise to me. Hahahaha. (Yes, he literally shouted "surprise" when he gave the the bunch of unfolded folders. Haha.)

- After everyone sneakily prepared the dishes in the kitchen, we all went to the kitchen and waited for Jose. We had paella, palabok, ice cream, barbecue, pichi-pichi and Banoffee pie. (I was lucky to have tasted the Banoffee pie, since it obviously was a bit hit to everyone....and I've never tasted the famous Banoffee pie before today- to everyone's surprise. Yes, I'm such a loser. Hahahaha.)

- After eating with the staff and the professors, Martin shot my "Mi Palabra Favorita" (My Favorite Word) for El Dia Espanol this June. Hehe.

- Hasta luego, hasta luego. :D:D:D:D

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