Saturday, June 9, 2012

Chaperone Day: The Return Of Camille

- June 9, 2012, Saturday.

- My Camille had been planning for this trip for several weeks. Everyone was psyched that Camille was going to stay in the country for a year more or so. We wanted to hang out while people were still not busy, and have a welcome-back-sort-of-Camille gathering.

- The group of around nine-ten people was cut off to just three, with two others catching up around noon. Camille, Nicole, and I had a stopover at Ersao to see if some other people would come, but after realizing that it'd be just us (and the other two,) we headed to Lucky Chinatown Mall to check out their movies.

- We decided to watch Madagascar 3, and headed to have lunch at Bon Chon, and dessert at Pancake House. After Charmaine arrived, we accompanied her to have lunch at KFC, and waited fro Biolina to arrive.

- We watched the 3:15 showing of the movie, free popcorns, 3D glasses and all, and felt that the movie was just enough to laugh off some first-week-of-school or pre-school blues. Personally, I thought that the movie used a lot of intelligent puns and cross-cultural language use. The humor was undoubtedly expected, as well as the graphics, but I think there were a lot of creative juices put in to the details of the movie.

- We were on our way home after the movie, but Camille, Nicole, and I thought of visiting Thomas in Ersao - with Camille and Nicole laughing at me on the way because of the more-than-20 people I said hello to both inside and outisde Lucky Chinatown. Too bad Charmaine and Biolina went home earlier. The four of us hung out, making up for the afternoon that Thomas wasn't able to spend with us because of his Saturday classes.

- I had a tummy-tiring day, and as much as I would have wanted to join another set of friends who coincidentally invited me to Lucky to watch a movie, I declined. I had a nice day, and I hope there will be better days to come.

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