Tuesday, November 16, 2010

On Your Toes: Divisoria Surprise!!

- November 16, 2010, Tuesday, Eid al'Adha

- My friend Mac woke me up from my deep slumber early this morning through a text message saying that he and his groupmates were in the Divisoria-168 vicinity to buy certain items for their Leadership and Strategy class (thesis counterpart for business courses in school.) He asked if I wanted to tag along (and be an interpreter,) unless I didn't want to.

- I haven't seen Mac in a long while, so I obviously agreed. I took a bath, changed, and dashed to the trikes parked in front of our building, still half-asleep. Upon arrival at 168, still half-asleep, and realized that I couldn't find the escalators for some odd reason. I approached the concierge, and asked where the "LRT" was to the upper floors. Good thing I corrected myself when the lady gave me a weird daze.

- I was able to meed Mac and Janelle in the 168 Foodcourt after walking several rounds at the Foodcourt, trying to look for those two. Moments later, I met Mac and Janelle's two other groupmates, AJ and Madel. Later on, their groupmate Cy tagged along too.

- The six of us went around 168 to scout for the items needed for their small business. We even needed to go to Divisoria because some things can only be found there, and prices in Divi were also cheaper. However, going to Divisoria (even from nearby 168) was the biggest pain in anyone's behind. There was a literal ocean of people, and from my experiences, I think this crowd was worse than the ones I encountered in Quiapo. I guess today being a holiday was also a factor.

- After going around Divi for several minutes, with me trying to bargain with the Chinese salespeople occasionally, we sat down for lunch at the food court. Waiting for vacant chairs was also a bit tiring, although the ones who got to dine first were sensitive of the amount of people waiting for them to finish their food (so they can sit and eat.)

- After eating a fast lunch, we searched for the remaining things that hadn't been crossed of the list, and had to go through the same old jam-packed crowd. It was also amusing that we were able to see some people we knew in 168; apparently they were also hunting for things for their own LS business thingies. I also saw my old friend Pei Mei. :D:D:D:D

- Before walking home (trikes can't even pass through the crowd,) I was privileged enough to try Mac's group's produce (flavored green tea, but not as sweet as C2 products.) At least I am hydrated enough to walk home, rest, and pray for being lucky for tomorrow's event. :D:D:D:D


  1. wah gil, sanay na ko dyan sa crowd na yan every december i need to make siksik over that crowd to make collection lang huhu :(( but it was kinda challenging na makisingit dun kasi pagalingan tlga ng tactics para lang makasingit and makarating sa ppntahn m nang madalian haha :))

  2. Gumaling akong sumayaw dahil sa kakashopping sa Tutuban and 168. HAHAHAHA.
